Easter was fabulous. Kylie got to put on her Easter dress and her ballet shoes and celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. It was a nice quiet day with family and just relishing in the goodness that is our daughter.
We also have celebrated, since the last blog, Kylie's 6-month birthday. It is hard to believe that 6 months ago, John and I were on our way to the hospital and a whole lot of unknown. We did not know if Kylie would be born alive or dead, we did not know if we would be able to take her home with us, and we did not know how much time we would have. A lot has changed since then.
We have a beautful little girl who continues to surprise us every day. Kylie continues to thrive and makes due on her own time. Kylie has not grown much in the last few months, but we take solace in that she is healthy and alert. Kylie is still 6 pounds 4 ounces and 20 3/4 inches. We will take her for weigh-ins every 2 weeks to monitor her progress. She has started eating carrots, along with her pears and rice cereal. We hope to increase her breast milk feedings to 35 ccs this week too. I am trying to not be too disappointed in her lack of growth, but am just focusing on her thriving and doing so well.
The picture to the right is Kylie enjoying a little bit of frosting from her 6-month cupcake. She really seemed to enjoy it. Drool and frosting equals much fun.
This week, we also had the great joy of having Kylie's great Nana Kay down from Fortuna to visit as well as her great Aunt Net and her Cousins Anthony, Steven, and Jonathan. Everyone took great joy in taking turns holding Kylie and Kylie loved all the attention. Hearts were heavy when all left because Lanette and her family live in Pleasanton and Kay lives in Fortuna, which makes it very difficult for frequent visits.
Until next time, Kylie says, Thanks for the prayers.